Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So I'm driving home last night thinking about this new adventure called Blogging and determined to make my life work for me and the question was. . . .  


When you Determine to make a life worth living work means you have to change your thinking process often throughout the day.  I am constantly mind sculpting my thoughts.  The thoughts sculpting process can be tricky.  The garbage has to be turned into something useful and usable.  A Why is this happening to me? requires me to begin the sculpting process.  Look at the question, carefully and deeply.  Make a determination to change the why to what can be done to change this into something workable, beautiful and worth sharing.  Make a list for your Self.   Renew your list each morning.  Evaluate howfaithfully you kept to your list at the end of the day.  Reflect before you sleep.  Keep doing positive thought sculpting until your list becomes your habit.

Here is mine - just for today. 

I will SMILE. 
I will find LOVE wherever I am.
I will HUG.
I will be true to ME and FAITHFUL and LOYAL to my Self.
I will SHARE the very best of me (and for those who are my true friends I will SHARE the worst of me knowing that it is SAFE to do so).
I will get the GARBAGE out of my thoughts and replace it with GOODNESS.

My friend in the great Northwest email sign off reminded me today that if I follow this simply rule I will LOVE my Self.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Choose your words, for they become actions.
Understand your actions for they become habits.
Study your habits, for they will become your character.
Develop your character for it becomes your destiny.

Work on keeping it simple.  This is the only life we have so work at making it FUN.  Remember your WORD is your bond.  Your MANNERS say more than your SILENCE.  These things matter to Self but more importantly, your friends can depend on your being conscientious. 

Life is shorter than you think.  Replace the GARBAGE thoughts with MINDFUL thoughts.  So today, do not let anyone push your buttons (unless it's your tickle button and that's good for LAUGHTER because LAUGHTER is GOOD medicine).

I hope what I blogged today inspires you and keeps Self moving forward and growing stronger.


multifacetsflux said...

WOW! i'm glad you're starting to write again Sis :D congratulations on your choice of subject 'happy living'!!! how wonderful...

Gayle Miller said...

Welcome to the blogsphere sweetie. As someone who has been "at it" for five years now, you'll find it a wondrous outlet and you'll make a lot of friends as well.