Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday - Who is to Blame?

This past week-end, I heard a alot about blaming. "My life would have been different if.....so-and-so would have been more supportive", "It's ___________ fault this happened", "____________ is suppose to do this for me"

Well, guess?  There is only ONE person to blame for things not going well in YOUR life and that person is YOU!  When you catch your Self beginning the "blame" game, immediately begin mind sculpting to release the untruth of blame and embrace the pain that comes with taking responsibility for your actions (or lack of action).  There can only be ONE person to blame and that would be YOU.   When YOU look at your Self, accept your actions, take responsibility for them, ask forgiveness where needed and lovingly move Self forward. 
Simple? NO! 
Necessary?  YES, absolutely! 

Change in your Self  will come when you encourage your Self to apply postive thoughts and behaviors to your daily life?  GOOD change will come!!  There is a GREAT life waiting for You.  Believe It!  Dream It!! Live It!!

Happy Living and being true to Self means accepting the consequences of your actions. 

As a Happy Survivor apply the art of letting go:

To 'let go' does not mean to stop caring; it means I can't do it for someone else.
To 'let go' is not to cut myself off; it is the realization that I must not control another.
To 'let go' is not to fix; but to be supportive.
To 'let go' is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes; but to allow others to effect their destinies.
To 'let go' is not to be protective; it is to permit another to face their reality.
To 'let go' is not to regret the past; but to grow and live in the present.
To 'let go' is to fear my actions less and love my Self more.

For things that are out of your control or influence, 'let go'To guide you in letting go, begin the process of mind sculpting, carve out negative thoughts that will try to take over.....simply say NO! and keep saying NO until the negative thoughts have no place to live in your Self.  There will be pain when you accept your behavior and don't blame others but there WILL BE HEALING and, eventually, happiness and a fulness of Self. 

Be patient with your Self process!  Believe and be determined to make Your life work for you.  Enjoy the journey.
Happy Living!!

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