Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday - Who Will Comfort Me?

The song begins My soul is weary and beaten down from all my miserys, oh lawd, who will comfort me?, a jazzy blues beat with slow melodic vocals by Melody Gardot.  As I hum along, the Question remains,


as I'm taking a break from work and singing this song in my head I look up and see the Northern Lights over Century City.   I am comforted!
  • a bird bathing in water remaining from plants being watered - I AM COMFORTED
  • a humming bird buzzing my head - I AM COMFORTED
  • a couple in awe of each other - I AM COMFORTED
  • laughter in the distance - I AM COMFORTED
  • a crying baby being held and smoothly spoken to - I AM COMFORTED
  • giving and getting great HUGS - I AM COMFORTED
  • finding beauty in life - I AM COMFORTED
  • a call from a friend, an invitation to an event (with food), singing songs that question my lack of faith, reading comments of encouragement on my blog, encouraging someone, - I AM COMFORTED.
You can always choose to wallowing in the misery or not.  Choose to rid yourself of the garbage that controls your love of life.  Choose to find the answer that resolves negative issues.  Choose to find comfort.  Today I added a Motivational Quote that will change every day. 
Carefully ingest GOOD, let it flow through you and bring necessary nutrients your soul and mind need.  People need to vent and when they do, LISTEN.  If you have not a solution, give them a hug or tell a joke because laughter really is GOOD medicine.


Shannon said...

Ammmmen! When I'm feeling blue or superfluosly sorry for myself I like to write a list of all the things and people that rock in my life. You are an inspiration, a motivation and embody pure fascination...divine admiration to what it means to be a low down true blue WOMAN ;-). Laughter is and will remain to be the best medicine...and maybe its the air, the red wine, the lavender and coconut wafting throught the air...the guiatrs and ukeleles on my boat amongst the good company, my dog, and furthermore the mere majestic SILENCE I am so blessed with. With all of that. I am a happy survivor. Much love

Shannon said...

Ammmmen! When I'm feeling blue or superfluosly sorry for myself I like to write a list of all the things and people that rock in my life. You are an inspiration, a motivation and embody pure fascination...divine admiration to what it means to be a low down true blue WOMAN ;-). Laughter is and will remain to be the best medicine...and maybe its the air, the red wine, the lavender and coconut wafting throught the air...the guiatrs and ukeleles on my boat amongst the good company, my dog, and furthermore the mere majestic SILENCE I am so blessed with. With all of that. I am a happy survivor. Much love