Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Survivor: Tuesday - Who is to Blame?

Happy Survivor: Tuesday - Who is to Blame?: "This past week-end, I heard a alot about blaming. 'My life would have been different if.....so-and-so would have been more supportive', 'It'..."

Tuesday - Who is to Blame?

This past week-end, I heard a alot about blaming. "My life would have been different if.....so-and-so would have been more supportive", "It's ___________ fault this happened", "____________ is suppose to do this for me"

Well, guess?  There is only ONE person to blame for things not going well in YOUR life and that person is YOU!  When you catch your Self beginning the "blame" game, immediately begin mind sculpting to release the untruth of blame and embrace the pain that comes with taking responsibility for your actions (or lack of action).  There can only be ONE person to blame and that would be YOU.   When YOU look at your Self, accept your actions, take responsibility for them, ask forgiveness where needed and lovingly move Self forward. 
Simple? NO! 
Necessary?  YES, absolutely! 

Change in your Self  will come when you encourage your Self to apply postive thoughts and behaviors to your daily life?  GOOD change will come!!  There is a GREAT life waiting for You.  Believe It!  Dream It!! Live It!!

Happy Living and being true to Self means accepting the consequences of your actions. 

As a Happy Survivor apply the art of letting go:

To 'let go' does not mean to stop caring; it means I can't do it for someone else.
To 'let go' is not to cut myself off; it is the realization that I must not control another.
To 'let go' is not to fix; but to be supportive.
To 'let go' is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes; but to allow others to effect their destinies.
To 'let go' is not to be protective; it is to permit another to face their reality.
To 'let go' is not to regret the past; but to grow and live in the present.
To 'let go' is to fear my actions less and love my Self more.

For things that are out of your control or influence, 'let go'To guide you in letting go, begin the process of mind sculpting, carve out negative thoughts that will try to take over.....simply say NO! and keep saying NO until the negative thoughts have no place to live in your Self.  There will be pain when you accept your behavior and don't blame others but there WILL BE HEALING and, eventually, happiness and a fulness of Self. 

Be patient with your Self process!  Believe and be determined to make Your life work for you.  Enjoy the journey.
Happy Living!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday - Who Will Comfort Me?

The song begins My soul is weary and beaten down from all my miserys, oh lawd, who will comfort me?, a jazzy blues beat with slow melodic vocals by Melody Gardot.  As I hum along, the Question remains,


as I'm taking a break from work and singing this song in my head I look up and see the Northern Lights over Century City.   I am comforted!
  • a bird bathing in water remaining from plants being watered - I AM COMFORTED
  • a humming bird buzzing my head - I AM COMFORTED
  • a couple in awe of each other - I AM COMFORTED
  • laughter in the distance - I AM COMFORTED
  • a crying baby being held and smoothly spoken to - I AM COMFORTED
  • giving and getting great HUGS - I AM COMFORTED
  • finding beauty in life - I AM COMFORTED
  • a call from a friend, an invitation to an event (with food), singing songs that question my lack of faith, reading comments of encouragement on my blog, encouraging someone, - I AM COMFORTED.
You can always choose to wallowing in the misery or not.  Choose to rid yourself of the garbage that controls your love of life.  Choose to find the answer that resolves negative issues.  Choose to find comfort.  Today I added a Motivational Quote that will change every day. 
Carefully ingest GOOD, let it flow through you and bring necessary nutrients your soul and mind need.  People need to vent and when they do, LISTEN.  If you have not a solution, give them a hug or tell a joke because laughter really is GOOD medicine.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Survivor: Wednesday - MIND SCULPTING

Happy Survivor: Wednesday - MIND SCULPTING: "So I'm driving home last night thinking about this new adventure called Blogging and determined to make my life work for me and the question..."


So I'm driving home last night thinking about this new adventure called Blogging and determined to make my life work for me and the question was. . . .  


When you Determine to make a life worth living work means you have to change your thinking process often throughout the day.  I am constantly mind sculpting my thoughts.  The thoughts sculpting process can be tricky.  The garbage has to be turned into something useful and usable.  A Why is this happening to me? requires me to begin the sculpting process.  Look at the question, carefully and deeply.  Make a determination to change the why to what can be done to change this into something workable, beautiful and worth sharing.  Make a list for your Self.   Renew your list each morning.  Evaluate howfaithfully you kept to your list at the end of the day.  Reflect before you sleep.  Keep doing positive thought sculpting until your list becomes your habit.

Here is mine - just for today. 

I will SMILE. 
I will find LOVE wherever I am.
I will HUG.
I will be true to ME and FAITHFUL and LOYAL to my Self.
I will SHARE the very best of me (and for those who are my true friends I will SHARE the worst of me knowing that it is SAFE to do so).
I will get the GARBAGE out of my thoughts and replace it with GOODNESS.

My friend in the great Northwest email sign off reminded me today that if I follow this simply rule I will LOVE my Self.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Choose your words, for they become actions.
Understand your actions for they become habits.
Study your habits, for they will become your character.
Develop your character for it becomes your destiny.

Work on keeping it simple.  This is the only life we have so work at making it FUN.  Remember your WORD is your bond.  Your MANNERS say more than your SILENCE.  These things matter to Self but more importantly, your friends can depend on your being conscientious. 

Life is shorter than you think.  Replace the GARBAGE thoughts with MINDFUL thoughts.  So today, do not let anyone push your buttons (unless it's your tickle button and that's good for LAUGHTER because LAUGHTER is GOOD medicine).

I hope what I blogged today inspires you and keeps Self moving forward and growing stronger.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I'm determined to make my life work for me but have come to realize I have and never had any control on those I love.  What I thought was going to be inspirational to my husband and children has turned into resentment from the children and a great amount of distance from my soon-to-be exhusband.

Determined to remain friends with my ex (without benefits for certain) but friends all the same.  How am I preparing for the day that we will not longer be together? Relationships take work and so does the relationship with Self.

1.   Spend Time With Self.  I started making time for me, after waiting and waiting and waiting and finally realized Id continue to wait forever and would be old and grey and still be waiting.

What is time with self?  For me, it's been reading a good book (currently reading Six Frigates, The Epic History of the Founding of The U.S. Navy by Ian W. Toll.  Ian Toll has done extensive research from the anals of the Department of the Navy, National Archives, New York Historical Society and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and various other places in search of real documentation to validate his writing).  It's a great read and, at times, I have to break, unlike reading my murder mysteries and life achievement novels, this one actually happened.

Sometimes, time with self is singing karaoke.  Yes, singing!!  Yes, karaoke!! Not in a shower or while driving but in front of real people.  It's truly amazing how it encourages me to continue doing good things and staves off sadness and depression.  Time with Self means taking the time to meet new people and sometimes challenges me to doing new things.

Stay encouraged and become determined to make it work.  If change is to be.... it must start with me!