Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WATCH THE CLOUDS...They tell you what weather is coming!

I awoke this morning, poured a cup of coffee and went to the patio. As I'm enjoying the morning chill and watching the seagulls and pelicans dive into the sea for their food, the clouds were beautiful, white sparse and moving below the blue of the sky toward the east but there was a section of clouds that were thin and swirling about the billowy white clouds. It is still winter here in Cali and it feels like a bit of rain is coming but the clouds indicate the rain will move toward the mountains, leaving the coastline clear. 

That's how LIFE is sometimes.  You can feel change coming.  Change which will cause a bit of rain in YOUR life. 


verb:  alter - exchange - vary - shift - convert - transform
noun: alteration - shift - variation - exchange - mutation

Only YOU can alter or exchange or vary or shift or convert or transform YOUR LIFE. Be glad for that.  Give YOURSELF permission and endure a bit of rain or even a full on storm.  Be glad that rain and storms don't last forever.  Be glad the sun will eventually shine and warm your tire bones and tan your skin and ease your thoughts and calm your mind.  Be glad the night sky will show you stars and a moon so full and bright, you will forget the bit of rain and sleep in peace.


Monday, March 4, 2013

STOPPING THE PAIN...Just for Today.

I've cried through it, around it, under it, on top of it, inside of it and outside of it and run from it. . . all in an attempt to stop the pain and avoid the disappointment and calm the raging SELF!!

There are no more tears to shed, not alone.  Not anymore!  Not ever again!

So to STOP the pain. . . . 


1.      no longer cry alone.  Go where there are arms to console you and give you clarity and solace in your pain.  Crying is good but crying all the time, everytime is not good for yourSELF.

2.      take up something new.  ANYTHING new, ANYTHING different, take up ANYTHING, SOMETHING to enhance yourSELF.

3.      laugh.  If you've forgotten how, subscribe to daily funnies, watch comedy, buy a funny audio book. 

4.      switch up and discover new friends.  Doesn't matter the age, or gender but someone who you might have something in common.

5.     EMBRACE each day I awaken AND remember I'm alive and breathing.  What you do with this day is totally up to you.  How you view the day is totally up to you.  What your attitude is is totally up to you.  So be glad that you are alive.  One day you'll be well and that is worth living for.